Shelter Plus Care Program
The Shelter Plus Care Program is a Federally funded housing program designed to assist homeless persons with mental illness to secure decent, safe, affordable rental housing. The participant pays 30% of their income for rent and utilities and the program pays the balance.
To meet the homeless criteria, person(s) must be either in a shelter or living in a place not fit for human habitation such as the street. The person must be actively involved with mental health services and have a mental health case manager.
Individuals cannot directly apply for this program; the application must be completed by a mental health case manager. As part of the application process, an individualized goal plan is developed between the case manager and participant. The participant must take part in the support services necessary to work on the goals set forth in the goal plan. Support services could include case management, life skills training, social skills training and/or vocational training. The case worker submits quarterly reports on the progress the client has made in achieving his/her goals. The program is designed to lead a path to self-sufficiency and independence; success is dependent on participation and motivation.