Voucher Landlord Information
Have you ever wondered about being a Housing Choice Voucher Program (formerly Section 8) Landlord?
Whether you are new to renting to a Housing Choice Voucher tenant or have done so for years, the following information will help answer many questions you may have or provide you with the needed information to update your records. Please see below for some FAQs below with links and documentation.
- What does the paperwork entail and how does the process work? (New Landlord Info)
- What is a Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract? (HAP contract)
- What does an inspector look for in the inspection process? (A Good Place to Live)
- What rules do the voucher participants need to follow? (Sample Voucher)
- Fair housing rights and responsibilities. (Fair Housing Packet)
- Lead based paint information for families. (Lead Based Paint Packet)
- How do I list a unit for rent with this housing authority? (Unit Listing Form)
- Can I get my HAP payment direct deposited? Yes! Please see link for direct deposit form. (Direct Deposit Form)
- What is VAWA? What happens if my tenant is a victim of domestic violence? (VAWA Paperwork)
The voucher program is always in need of available units for our new voucher applicants who are searching for the first time or ongoing voucher participants looking to transfer into a new unit.
If you would like to list your available units, please fill out the following form (Unit Listing Form) and fax to 610-966-6398 or email to [email protected].
If you have further questions please contact our office at 610-433-2312 ext 209 to speak to a voucher staff member.